Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How to Update PhilHealth Member Data Record

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) are recomended to be member of PhilHealth to avail benefits entitled for them. OFWs pay an amount of P2,400.00 per year as their premium contribution so they can avail of PhilHealth benefits for hospital confinements and surgeries.

To be able to enjoy these benefits, any changes in the OFW membership data record should be updated at once (i.e. civil status etc.) to avoid any inconvenience.

OFWs should follow the steps below to update their PhilHealth member data record:

1. Download the PhilHealth Member Registration Form.
2. Check the box 'For Updating'  found on the upper right-hand side of the form.

3. Fill the part where the necessary revisions should be. Double-check the information you are to provide.
4. After filling up, email the accomplished form to ofp@philhealth.gov.ph

5. Wait for an emailed copy of your updated Member Data Record.

OFWs can pay their contribution in advance for five years or depends on the duration of the employment contract with their overseas employer.

Monday, September 12, 2016



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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sponsorship Transfer

Job Change or Sponsorship Transfer or Tanazul If you are on Company visa:

Saudi Arabia has been the best place for employment to expatriates whether they are new visitor or experienced. But, changing job or Naqal Kafala or transferring your Sponsorship (Tanazul) from one company to another company in Saudi Arabia is very difficult. However there are only two ways to do a job change or Tanazul for those who are on  company visa.

First way is go for final exit and come with new visa.
Second way is transfer your Sponsorship to another company, If your employer agree (rarely possible). Employer never agrees transferring you to another company as it is hard and lengthy process to get new visa.

Sponsorship Under Red Category:

If your company is in red, You can get easily transfer to another company without revealing your first company. You can check your company category by following this link "Nitaqat Color Category".

Job Change on Own (Paid or Azad) Visa:

If you are on your own visa (Azad visa) then you can switch easily from one company to another company without transferring Sponsorship to one company, Azad visa is no more entertained in Saudi Arabia and treated as illegal if they caught.

Things to Do Before  Changing Sponsorship (Naqal Kafala) :

  1. Read your current company contract, terms and  conditions.
  2. Assure you got offer or request letter from new employer requesting transfer.
  3. Always be pleasing and kind to current sponsor (employer), satisfy him (else he have right to complain on you).

Things not to Do Before Changing Sponsorship (Naqal Kafala) : 

  1. Do not reveal your mind planning to any of your colleague or employer.
  2. Do not think of Exit/ Re-Entry visa.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Saudi Arabia Labor Law 2015 38 Amendments

Saudi Arabia Labor Law
38 Amendments 2015

Labor Ministry and the Council of Ministers approved 38 amendments updates in new Saudi Arabia Labor Law on March 2015, Which is affected after 6 months of approval, that is from October 2015.
The major updates of these 38 amendments are as follows.

1. Training for Saudi's : A company with 50 or more employees must train 12% Saudis and take them as original employees. Earlier it was 6% and It is stated in Article (43) of Saudi Labor Law.
You can also see this article " Nitaqat Categories".

2. Probationary Period : 90 days probation period can be extended by additional 90 days (But not more than 180 days, Earlier it was only 90 days). If both parties agreed for that period. An employee in one organization can go on probation period only once, Unless the job is separate from the earlier one or when worker left and returned back organization.

3. Fixed  Contracts : For Saudi Nationals, If the employment fixed contract is extended for 4 years (successfully renewed 3 times) then it will become unlimited contract. Earlier it was 3 years (renewed 2 times). It is as per Article (55) in Arabic contract of Saudi Labor Law.

4. Absent From Work : As per Article (80) in Saudi Labor Law, Employee absence from work without valid reason for more than 20 days or 10 consecutive days are increased to 30 days or 15 consecutive days are subject to termination without any salary.

5. Termination Notice : Expanded notice periods for termination of unlimited contracts from 30 days to 60 days for monthly payable employees and 15 days to 30 days for hourly payable employees.
Referring Article (75) in 38 new amendments of Saudi Labor Law.

6. Leaves : Increased in Short term leaves of Article (113) in Saudi Labor Law 2015.
- Marriage Leave is increased from 3 days to 5 days.
- Paternity Leave is increased from 1 day to 3 days.
- Bereavement Leave is increased from 3 days to 5 days.
- Muslim women will get 4 months 10 days leave in case of husband dies or divorce. For Non Muslim women she is entitled for 15 days leave with full pay. As mentioned in Article(160).

7. Maternity Leave : 10 weeks maternity leave for women with full pay starting 4 weeks before delivery, Additional 1 month leave with out pay. As mentioned in Article (151, 152).
Similar article " Vacation & Leaves in Saudi Labor Law".

8. Transfer of Employee : The employer must get written permission of employee before transferring from one place to other. In emergency situations employer can transfer employee to other place not more than 30 days in a year.

9. Employment Certificate : Article (64) New Saudi Arabia Labor Law, The employer must provide a certificate of employment at the end of the contract. Certificate should not include anything that harm the reputation of the employee.

10. Working Hours : An employee should not stay at workplace more than 12 hours per day, No more than 5 consecutive hours work without a break, Break should be attacked least half an hour every day for prayer and lunch. You can also read this article "Working Hours as per Labor Law".

11. Work Injuries : As per Article (137), An employee who met with work injury is entitled to full pay of 2 months (Earlier it was 1 month) amount compensation and thereafter 75% pay till the treatment which can be up to 1 year, where upon he shall classified as disabled and eligible for compensation.

12. Wage Protection System : As in Article (90.2), Currently KSA is implementing Wage Protection System where companies are required to deposit salaries into a bank account for each employee. As of now, WPS is on 8th stage which is applicable to firms with 130 or more employees, It started with largest firms with 3000 or more employees.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Be Work-Abroad Ready, Take the PEOS Online Now

Be Work-Abroad Ready, Take the PEOS Online Now 

Are you planning to work abroad? Prepare and be work-abroad ready by taking the Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar or PEOS.

This comprehensive module is provided by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) for free to help Filipinos decide whether or not to pursue overseas employment. PEOS Online has been made desktop and mobile-friendly so anyone can take it anytime anywhere, as long as there is a strong internet connection. To make it more accessible, POEA offices and some license agencies have facilities to accommodate those who wish to take it.

How to take PEOS Online

Here are the step-by-step instructions to help you complete this module:
  1. Go to www.peos.poea.gov.ph and choose which training module is right for you. You may select from any of the following existing modules:                                                                                       *PEOS Online for Professional and Skilled Workers;and                                                                       *PEOS Online for Domestic Workers
  2. Fill out the form to register.
  3. Read the modules and answer all the questions after each module. You need to get at least three correct answers to proceed to the next module.
  4. If you choose to take the PEOS Online for Domestic Workers, proceed to Part 2 after passing all 7 modules in Part 1. Select your desired country of destination and answer all the questions.
After passing all the learning modules, You can now print your certificate or take note of your certificate number. You will be ask to present this during your application.

You may also refer to the animated illustration below:

Taking the PEOS Online have been made mandatory for all first-time overseas workers since June 2016. Aside from personal and travel documents, aspiring OFWs will be asked to present their PEOS Certificate number before they  can proceed with their job application.

Be a step closer to your dream job, take PEOS Online now.

Vacations and Leaves in KSA

Vacations and Leaves Policy 
In Saudi Labor Law

Annual Leave:

As per Saudi Labor Law, Employees are allowed to have Twenty One (21) days paid annual vacation. If your employer's employee contract is less than this, You can request it to increase to 21 days.

If you are with same employer since 5 years you are entitled for 30 days paid vacation. If your employer is not following this, He is violating Saudi Labor Law (Article 109.1). However you can apply for vacation only after completing 2 years of employment with your current sponsor.

Every employee in Saudi Arabia should avail for vacation leave during the years it is due. If employee does not do so, It's employer decision to give him leaves for future years or forfeit the benefit.

Sick Leave:

An employee whose sickness has been proven is allowed to take 4 months sick leave from sponsor (employer). As per this condition,
Employer cannot terminate him from his job or remove him from employee payroll. To apply this condition, Employee has to submit doctors certification stating the number of the days employee need to rest. Without doctor medical sick leave certificate, It is discretion of the employer. It is allowed to employee to add his annual vacation leave with the sick leaves. Implemented Yearly basis quota is as follows.

- First 30 Days, Fully Paid
-Next 60 Days, 3/4 of Total Wages
-Next 30 Days, Unpaid

Death in the Family:

As per Saudi Labor Law (Article 160), In case of death of wife or any other blood relation (Father or Mother or Sister or Brother or Daughter or Son) employees are entitled for 5 days paid leave (As per new amendments in SLL 2015, Earlier it was 3 days). For female employees, She is entitled for 4 months 10 days Iddah leave.

Hajj Leave:

If an employee is performing Hajj, He is allowed for 10 days paid vacation. As one can perform Hajj only once in 5 years with the same employer. Employee is required to complete 2 years with the same employer to avail this benefit.

Marriage Leave:

Employees can get 5 days (Updated October 2015, Earlier it was 3 days) paid leave for marriage, Once in her tenure with employer. Suppose, If you request for two weeks marriage leave. Five days will deduct from marriage leave and remaining from your annual leave.

Maternity Leave:

According to Saudi Labor Law (Article 151 to 156), A female employee is allowed 10 weeks vacation in case of delivery of child. Before delivery date, Four weeks for maternity vacation and 6 weeks vacation after delivery of child, which is fully paid. Probable delivery date shall be decided by the doctor in written statement. Employer cannot terminate her or remove her from payroll of company. She can also add annual leave to the maternity leave if she wants, She can add extra one month leave which is unpaid, After 10 weeks of vacation. Employer should provide her one hour extra rest compare to other staff to feed her  baby.

These vacations may or may not be fully paid. Decision is on number of years she worked with company quota as follows.

- Fully Paid, 3 Years or More
- Half Paid, 1 Year or More
- Unpaid, Less than 1 Year

Male employees can also avail of 1 day paid leave to attend to newborn  child.

Eid-Ul-Fitr & Eid-Ul-Adha:

According to Saudi Labor Law (Article 112), Employees are allowed to have 4 days paid vacation, From 30th of Ramadan for Eid-ul-Fitr. And another 4 days paid vacation, From 9th of Zil Hajj for Eid-ul-Adha.

National Day:

Saudi Arabia National Day is on 23rd of September. All employees are granted one day paid holiday for National Day of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Note for Domestic Workers: Above mentioned leaves are not applied for Visas sponsored by Individual Saudis to work at home, Household Workers and Drivers. Domestic workers are entitled one month paid leave for 2 years and one day off every week.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Overtime Labour Law

  1. Employer shall pay the employee or workman overtime hours equal to hourly rate plus 50% of his basic pay.
  2. If the establishment or company is operating on the basis of weekly working hours, then additional hours to 48 hours is treated as overtime.
Official holidays and Eid's working hours shall be considered in overtime hours.

Overtime Exception:

  1. Overtime hours is an exception to the employees or persons who is high ranking positions of management or who have authority over workers or employees.
  2. Guards and janitors, excluding civil security guards.
  3. Supplement works or preparatory which must be completed before commencement of work or after commencement of work.
Work that is intermittent by necessity.

Overtime Calculation:

Overtime rate per hour = Hourly wage x 1.5

Hourly Wage = Daily Wage / 8

Daily Wage = Monthly Basic Salary / 30

Annual Basic Salary = Monthly Basic Salary x 12

Example of  Overtime Circulation:

If Monthly Basic Salary is 3000

Daily Wage = 3000 / 30 = 100 SR

Hourly Wage = 100 / 8 = 12.50 SR

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Be Work-Abroad Ready, Take the PEOS Online Now

Be Work-Abroad Ready, Take the PEOS Online Now  Are you planning to work abroad? Prepare and be work-abroad ready by taking the Pre-Employ...