Tuesday, November 1, 2016

SSS Housing Loan for OFW

SSS Housing Loan for OFW

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) is entitled to be an SSS member and has the privilege to avail the Direct Housing Loan Facility which aims to provide socialized and low-cost housing.

This SSS housing loan for OFW can help guide you with the following procedures.

SSS defines an OFW as a private sector worker who is:

  • currently deployed with a contract processed through the POEA or authenticated by the Embassy abroad 
  • with employment contract awaiting renewal/deployment 
  • a Filipino national but who is now a citizen or immigrant of a foreign countries but is interested in buying a housing unit for his family who is still in the country.
  • a long-term resident overseas Filipinos who wish to avail of housing package either for themselves when they retire or when they visit the Philippines and/or for their extended families.

OFWs who fit under these conditions should also be a member of SSS to be able to apply for a housing loan. The OFW must meet the following requirements:

  • Member should be a certified Overseas Filipino Workers 
  • A voluntary OFW member of SSS
  • Has at least 36 months contribution and 24 continues contribution in the period prior to the application 
  • The OFW is not more than 60 years old at the time of application and must be insurable. Members who are aged 60 years at the time of application will have a maximum loan term of 5 years.
  • OFW was not previously granted an SSS housing loan.
  • Has not been granted a final SSS benefits.
  • OFW borrower and spouse is updated in the payment of their SSS loan(s), if any

The housing loan applied for will be approved after meticulous screening and if the purpose is:

  • construction of a new house or dwelling unit on a lot owned by the applicant free from lien/encumbrances 
  • purchase of a lot and construction thereon of a new house or dwelling unit 
  • purchase on existing residential unit which may be a house and lot, a condominium unit or a townhouse .
Upon completion of the needed documents, an OFW may file the housing loan application at the nearest SSS cluster branch or at the Housing and Business Loan Department, 5th floor, SSS Bldg., East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City.

How OFWs can apply for SSS Housing Loan

How OFWs can apply for SSS Housing Loan

Overseas Filipino who are members of Social Security System (SSS) may apply for housing loan.
Once the OFW has checked that he or she is an eligible member of SSS, the following documents should be prepared before filing the application.

Original copy of:

  • Mortgagor's Application for Housing Loan with 1×1 ID pictures of Principal Applicant and Spouse
  • Certificate of Loan Eligibility (CLE) -P100 service fee 
  • Certification from POEA/DOLE/OWWA/SSS Foreign Representative Office or Philippine Embassy/Consular Office 
  • Deed of Sale or Contract of Sale with statement of latest balance for purchase of lot or house and lot
  • Appraisal Report from Home Guaranty Corporation accredited appraisal companies 
  • Certificate of Acceptance and Occupancy duly signed by the borrower if house is 100% complete at the time of loan filing 
  • Duly notarized Special Power of Attorney (if filing is through a representative)

Original and photocopy of:
  • Latest Contract of Employment and latest Employer's Certification duly authenticated by the Philippine Consulate 
  • Owner's copy of the Transfer Certificate Title (TCT)/Original Certificate Title (OCT)/Condominium Certificate of Title (CCT)
  • Certificate true copy of TCT/OCT/CCT issued by the Register of Deeds
  • Latest Property Tax Declaration and Realty Tax Receipt 
Other documents:

  • Lot plan with vicinity map duly signed and sealed by the Registered Surveyor or Geodetic Engineer (Blue Print)
  • Building plans/specification/picture of the house (Blue Print)
  • A set of twelve (12) postdated checks covering twelve (12) monthly installments and shall be repeated every twelve (12) months thereafter until the loan is fully paid 
  • Tax Mapping/Subdivision Plan
  • Affidavit of Undertaking to continue paying monthly SSS premium contribution for the duration of housing loan 
Upon completion of the above-mentioned documents needed for SSS Housing loan application, the OFW may then proceed the nearest SSS cluster branch or at the Housing and Business Loans Department, 5th floor, SSS Bldg., East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City for filing.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What is Huroob?

Huroob is Arabic word which means escape or absconder or run away (Absent from Work).
As per Saudi Labor Law, employer has to report to passport authorities, If his employee (Saudi Expatriate) is absent from work for a special period of time to declare him as Huroob (Absconder or Escape or Run Away).

When this happens, the Expatriate employee is considered a criminal and can be arrested and jailed and then deported. Any Expatriate who gets reported as Huroob Iqama/Muqeem ID will be cancelled, illegal for him to stay in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, benefits and rights of legal employee will be cancelled, leave the Kingdom through deportation, 5 years ban from entering into the Kingdom.

If the employer failed to report the absence of employee, He (Sponsor or Employer) will be finalized as it is mandatory in Saudi Labor Law. The punishment to sponsor for non reporting about runaway employee is 5000SR for first time, 10,000 for second time and 15,000 for third time including one month imprisonment.

Runaway employee shall be deported at employer's expenses or if he was working for his own he shall be deported on his own expenses. Sometimes employers my misused Huroob provision, if an employee is going to approach against employer in labor court for any causes like mistreatment, non payment of salary or any other cases.

According to Saudi Labor Law, "An employer may not terminate the employee contract without an award, advance notice or indemnity except in a few cases, and provided that he gives the worker a chance to state his reasons for objecting the termination".
Thanks SAUDI-EXPATRIATES Read more: here>>>>>>

Sunday, October 9, 2016


The Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia would like to inform the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and all Filipinos that the Social Security System (SSS) representative will be on annual vacation from October 9 to November 8, 2016.

Miss Argentina Y. Coronel will temporarily manage the SSS office on the said dates from 8 am to 12 noon only, to assist and service those with business transactions. Coronel may be reached through her number 0532358056 or email ups_thina@yahoo.com for concerns and important matters.

Friday, September 30, 2016

PCGJeddah moved to new location

The Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia has been move into a new location.

OFWs who will have transactions with the Consulate must now proceed to its new address at Building No. 4663,  Fajer Street, Al Rehab District 6, Jeddah,  Saudi Arabia.

PCG Jeddah will no longer hold business matters in its old office at Umm Al Qura Street, Rehab District.

The Consulate offers services to OFWs like passport issuance and renewal, visa application, civil registry (birth,  marriage, death), notarial,  police clearance etc. It also give assistance to Filipinos in Jeddah for repatriation, labor cases against employer and more.

Below is a map that will guide OFWs to the new location of the Consulate.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

What are Allowed in Balikbayan Boxes?

Just few months before Christmas comes,  most of us OFWs in Saudi Arabia,  United Arab Emirates, Europe, United States and Singapore are getting to fill our Balikbayan boxes for our families in Philippines. It's our evidence of being hardwork and sacrifices for our family.
Unfurtunetly, some of us are experienced tampered or half opened  boxes when delivered to our families. Some boxes are even failed to reach the intended receiver.

To avoid this happening,  before we fill the Balikbayan box we must know first what should not be included in the package.

Here are the list of items we must not put in our box,  as ordered by the Department of Trade  and Industry (DTI).

  1. Currencies,  checks, money orders and traveler's checks 
  2. Jewelries 
  3. Firearms, ammunitions, and explosives
  4. Prohibited drugs and other subtances
  5. Pornographic materials, gambling cards and toy guns 
  6. Pirated products like DVD, CD
  7. Items that are of commercial quantity 
  8. Plant seeds and plant materials
  9. Any food stuff that are not in cans, sealed packages or bottles 

We must remember these lists of items not to send through Balikbayan boxes or it will placed on hold by the Bureau of Customs on which they may face charges against violations.



Friday, September 16, 2016

DOLE 24/7 Hotline 1349

DOLE Launched 24/7 Hotline 1349
for Local and Overseas Work-Ralated Concerns and Inquiries

The Department of Labor and Employment launched the 24/7 Hotline 1349 for local and overseas work-related concerns and inquiries.

The DOLE 24/7 Hotline will be managed by its Labor Communication Office with 10 call centers and operate in shifts from 6-2pm, 2-10pm, 10-6am.

Filipinos calling DOLE's 24/7 Hotline abroad won't pay anything; DOLE will collect charges.

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